Dear Colleague, How Different Would Your Life Be If You Owned Your Own Practice?

Just Imagine …

  • You alone decide how many patients you see each day and how much time you spend with them
  • You choose which days of the week you're in the office and
  • You alone decide how many hours you work each day

And …

You're finally free to give your patients the care they need without needless restrictions or limitations.

Now, can you see yourself in your own practice, enjoying a level of freedom that’s only possible when you’re ...  in your own practice?

Hi, I'm Barbara C. Phillips, APRN, GNP, FNP-BC, FAANP

Like you, I'm a Nurse Practitioner. I've worked in critical care, primary care, specialty care, and more. 

I own my own clinical and non-clinical businesses and over the years I've done a lot and seen a lot.

A little over ten years ago I decided to start my own practice; well, life decided for me. You see, one day I realized I just couldn't stay where I was anymore! 

  • All my attempts to change how I worked in this office fell on deaf ears.
  • I was tired of working for someone who didn’t have my or my patients' best interest at heart.
  • And it bothered me to see so many patients going without the care they so desperately needed.

I realized that I could do better, far better that this!

And that’s when I got busy; I was determined to start my own practice just as soon as possible.

But to my surprise, I kept running into one roadblock after another.

I Was Trying To Figure Out:

  • What’s the first step I needed to take?
  • How much would it cost me?
  • Where would find the money?
  • How would the billing work?
  • Should I outsource or keep it in-house?
  • What about hiring staff? What should I look for?
  • How much should I charge?
  • Would I need a permit or license to get started?
  • What’s a business structure and would I need one?

These were just some of the questions I had. I needed to find answers and I needed to find them fast... 

And That’s When It Hit Me!

For the first time, I realized …

While my education had provided me with excellent clinical training, it had done NOTHING to prepare me for starting my own practice! It was up to me to figure it out!

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining....

So once I realized I had to find my own answers, I flew into action.

I went online. I checked Google in hopes of finding some answers… but no luck. There was NOTHING for Nurse Practitioners!

Next, I visited the forums. I asked questions… but again, nothing.

Well, let me take that back…

While I didn’t get any answers to my questions, I had plenty of questions coming my way. To my surprise, other NPs were facing the same hurdles. They were asking the same questions I was asking.

So I started to share whatever answers I found with my fellow NPs.

And this is how it all started…

These were the beginnings of what years later became my formal system for starting a practice, the NPBO™ Practice Startup System 2.0

Looking Back…

Needless to say, I made plenty mistakes when I got started. 

Today, I realize how different it could have been! If I'd had some help from the get go, things could have been so much easier.

The entire business building process would have been faster and I could have started my practice much sooner. Not to mention the amount of money and aggravation I could have saved myself!

It took me years to develop the insights and strategies I’m sharing in the NPBO™ Practice Startup System 2.0. Now anyone can easily start a practice by simply following my proven system.

By now, many Nurse Practitioners have gone through the program. They’ve implemented the system and have started their own practices. 

Here is what two of your colleagues have said about the NPBO™ Practice Startup System 2.0.

"You are such an inspiration to all of us out there forging a path for ourselves. In so many ways I feel like a pioneer. Having your websites and Facebook pages has been INVALUABLE to me. I don't feel so alone."

Sonia Smith, MN, PNP/CNS
Owner: Emerald Coast Pediatric Sleep Consultants

"A huge thank you to Barbara C. Phillips for without her NPBO Startup Kit I never would have made it to where I am today! "

Paula Bohn Langeloh, NP
Owner of Langeloh Family Healthcare

Our program is a proven blueprint designed to help clinicians like you get started in their own practice. I’ve been teaching it for many years, keeping it current and up-to-date. 

Now let me introduce you to the NPBO™ Practice Startup System 2.0. Let me walk you through the program so you can see how it can benefit you when starting  your practice.

But before I get to the details, let me be frank with you.

While our program is a proven blueprint, teaching you everything you need to know, it will only work as long as you do the work and implement what you’ll learn.

So if you’re prepared and willing to do what it takes…



Here Is What’s Included With The Program

The NPBO™ Practice Startup System 2.0 is 100% digital, delivered over a total of eight modules.

Once you place your order and complete the checkout process, you'll have immediate access to everything. You'll get instant access to all the lessons, worksheets, mind-maps, PDFs, and more.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of what’s included with each module.

Welcome & Introduction

The introductory module equips you with the right mindset. It will set you up for success from the get-go.

I want you to be clear on where you want to go with your practice; why and what you want to create. Hence you begin your journey by looking down the road, toward your future.

Because I want to set you up for success, we tackle the sensitive topic of Healthcare & Business; two words often thought to be mutually exclusive. But as you will see, that’s not the case at all.

We’ll spend time discussing the ethics of money, business & healthcare, something most clinicians still struggle with.

Module 1

The PPMF Analysis


This module introduces the “PPMF Analysis" a unique and fundamental approach to getting started in business.

The PPMF Analysis is a framework I developed, encompassing the areas of personal, professional, financial and market.

  • Get ready to ask some  important questions of yourself.
  • Focus on finding the answers that are right for you. 
  • Reflect on your personal reasons for wanting to start a practice.

The insights gained from going through the PPFM Analysis provide you with clarity, certainty, and focus before starting your practice.

Completing this process gives you the foundational piece you need before moving forward with anything else. It also helps you get started with creating your business plan.

Module 2

Creating The Business

You’ll start your business by selecting the best legal structure for your situation.

Choosing the right legal structure not only establishes your business but also provides protection for you and your business.

I'll show you how to find any regulations that might get in your way, and where to turn to obtain the appropriate licenses and permits.

Learn how you can protect yourself and your new business from potential legal troubles.

Next is building your team of professionals.  Business is rarely done by oneself, and it helps to have experts in other fields you can turn to for advice.

If you live in a state requiring collaboration, then this section is a MUST for you.

You’ll discover how to find the right person for you. You’ll learn how to start working with them and what types of agreements you need. 

Module 3

Getting Paid

An all-important topic, since you don’t want to work for... free!

We’ll look at various revenue models you can utilize in your practice and how you'll get paid.

Our discussion includes information on both, insurance and direct pay practices. We’ll talk about the all-important billing process.

The most recent update to the course includes an additional module on payment reform, specifically MACRA. The module discusses quality indicators, where to find them and how to report them.

  • We’ll discuss how to set up your billing and which billing options you may want to consider.
  • Should you go with in-house billing or would it be better to outsource? What specifically should you be looking for?
  • We’ll talk about how to handle front desk collections.
  • We’ll discuss your back office, so you’ll have a collections process in place when someone does not pay.
  • We’ll cover how to set your fees so that they’ll be fair and legal, yet still benefit you.
  • You'll discover and learn how to bill Medicare, Medicaid, commercial payers, and self-pay without violating existing laws.
    Closely connected to fees and billing process are documentation and coding.

You know as well as I do your documentation must justify the level of service billed. If not, you’re asking for trouble, potentially setting yourself up for health care fraud.

Two additional areas closely related are insurance and credentialing. While credentialing may sound scary now, you’ll see that it’s not that bad after all.

Module 4

Equipment, Tools & Technology

No matter what type of practice you’re going to set up, you'll need equipment, tools, and technology in your office.

We’ll talk about the different types of practices and what their space and equipment needs might be. We'll cover the functional areas of a practice, including:

  • Reception Area
  • Business Office
  • Staff Workspace
  • Clinical Workspace

Since technology is an integral part of practicing we’ll spend some time on choosing the right Electronic Medical Record (EMR) for your office.

This module also introduces the benefits of purchasing used vs. new.

Discover how  you can find  quality used equipment for your brand new office.

Module 5

Clinical Practice Management

No, we’re not going to talk about clinical matters here. No need to, you ARE already the expert clinician. This about how to manage the backend of your office.

We’ll look at how your patients move through your clinic and what systems you should have in place.

  • How to best schedule appointments
  • How to handle new patient appointments and visits
  • How to handle patient check-ins 

We'll talk about how to manage and monitor everyday clinical activities:

  • What protocols to have  in place for your staff.
  • What kind of documentation to put in place.
  • The importance of implementing systems in your office.
  • And much more...

Module 6


This is the business side of managing your practice, something you most likely didn’t learn in school.

Since you are in the business of healthcare, you need to know how to manage the financial side of your practice. You’ll need to understand how to control your cash flow and how to utilize financial records and statements.

We’ll discuss:

  • Human resources
  • Risk management
  • Safety of people and data
  • Compliance
  • And much more...

Once you realize most of these areas are driven by federal programs and regulations, you’ll agree that knowing about them and following them is in your best interest.

Module 7

Marketing Your Practice

Patients are the lifeblood of your practice; without them there is no practice or business. 

That's why it's important you know how to attract a steady stream of patients into your business.

You'll learn that marketing is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. It includes everything you do, on a daily basis, to bring patients into your practice.

Next, we’ll discuss the “who, what, when, where, why, and how” of putting your marketing plan into place.

Our discussion includes both offline and online marketing strategies you can use to reach your audience.

By the end of this module, you will know how to identify your target market and what marketing channels are best to reach them.


So now you know what topics are covered and what’s included in each module of the NPBO™ Practice Startup System 2.0.

Our program is a proven system. It has been "field tested" and put to use by many of your colleagues.

Here’s what three of your colleagues have said about the NPBO™ Practice Startup System 2.0.


"I have always followed your advice, and today I have started my own womenā€™s health clinic in Arizona. There isnā€™t a better time as today to start a private practice in this country. Thank you, and God bless you for all you do."

Maryjane Luhumbu, DNP

" I had one hundred questions... and NOT a clue as how to get started! Then I was introduced to Barbara C. Phillips. I became a member and purchased The NPBO Startup Kit. It was the roadmap that put me closer to fulfilling my dream of providing health care services in an under-served urban community in North City. "

Arneatrice Myers, APRN
St. Louis, MO

"Just a short note to praise NPBO for their wonderful start-up program! My husband, Tommy, and I purchased the program in 2011 and utilized it to open our primary care practice, Home Town Healthcare. Five years later we are a thriving practice with over 5,000 patients! Anyone interested in starting up a practice should purchase NPBOā€™s start-up program!"

Linda Hagins, APRN-BC
Home Town HealthCare, Americus, GA


The NPBO™ Practice Startup System 2.0 is a complete blueprint. It teaches you the nuts and bolts of what you must know to start and build your practice.

And in case you’re wondering...  there is no other course like it, at least none we have found. Our program is unique because it offers business education specifically designed for you, the Nurse Practitioner.


What’s My Investment?

Now you may be wondering… "How much is it going to cost me to get started with your program?"

Business training, just like medical training can be expensive.

However, as an NP owned company, it’s important to us to offer our products at a reasonable level of investment. Of course, this includes the NPBO™ Practice Startup System 2.0.

But before I tell you how you can join our elite group of Clinician Business Owners, let me ask you this:

  • Are you tired of working for someone else?
  • Are you tired of being told what days and hours you have to work each day?
  • Are you fed up with with having to see too many patients every day?
  • Are you frustrated knowing you can do so much better for your patients, but can't in your current job?
  • And are you ready to build a business, a true asset, for yourself?

If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, perhaps it's time you to start your own practice.

The NPBO™ Practice Startup System 2.0 is a proven blueprint to starting your own practice. The program is available to you for the one-time investment of $697.

Remember, you no longer have to go it alone; we are here to help.

But in case you’re still not sure if this is right for you, let me say this…

You already know how tough it is to get started in your own practice. Sure, you can go it alone. But chances are it’ll cost you time and money to figure it out by yourself.

Of course, that's if you don't give up on your dream all together…



Don't Let Fear Hold You Back...

Perhaps you're afraid of getting started? Or maybe you think now is not a good time to start a practice?

Believe me when I say "I understand," because I was afraid myself. But don’t let these fears hold you back. Don’t let anything hold you back, because...

There will never be a perfect time to get started, and you will always have some fears!

So if you’re serious about starting your own practice, the time is now. Don’t let fears and excuses hold you back any longer.

The NPBO™ Practice Startup System 2.0 is a proven blueprint for starting your own practice. In it, you’ll discover what you need to do, step by step, from start to finish!

The complete program is available to you for the one-time investment of $697.


But Before I Forget…

When you invest today and become part of our select group of Clinician Business Owners, you also get access to our exclusive NPBO™ Members Only Live Q & A Webinars.

For the first six months of the program, you are invited to join us on the monthly webinars. Usually, these webinars are accessible only to members of the NPBO™ Private Community.

The Q & A webinars take place on the first Sunday of every month. You can bring any question to the webinar, ask anything you want.

This is totally free to you; there is absolutely no cost to attend. All you have to do is bring yourself and your questions.

And if you can't be there…don’t worry, all webinars are recorded.



In Summary…

Let me recap what you get when you invest in the NPBO™ Practice Startup System 2.0 today:

  • You get immediate access to all eight deep-dive modules of the NPBO™ Practice Startup System 2.0… so you can start building your practice at once.      
  • You get a mind-map of the entire program. Use it to gain a 40,000 ft view… so you can quickly assess what you need to do to build your practice.
  • You get access to 610 minutes of video recordings spread over a total of 46 videos. The recordings are delivered in clear and plain language… so you can fully understand and quickly implement all steps, even if you’re totally new to business.
  • The videos are recorded in bite-size fashion… so you can easily study the course even if you only have a few minutes between patients or perhaps during lunch.
  • The program is 100% digital. It’s available on demand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year, via our online secure program area… so you can review the course anywhere and anytime as long as you have internet access.
  • You have eighteen months of access to all course videos, PDFs, mind-maps, worksheets and more… so you can go over the program as often as you like, for as long as you like, and whenever you like.
  • You can download the audio recordings to your mobile device… so you can listen while working out, driving to work, or doing chores around the house.
  • You can download all PDFs, templates, forms, checklists and worksheets. You are free to customize the templates, checklists, and forms for your own clinic… so you can save valuable time when starting your clinic.
  • You also get access to an additional bonus module. In it you will find webinar recordings on topics such as MACRA and Direct Pay Practices... so you can stay current and up-to-date. 
  • You get complimentary access to six months of our exclusive Members Only Q & A Webinars… so you can get your questions answered and move forward with building your practice.
  • You receive 16 Continuing Education Contact Hours with your investment in the program.  
  • Please note, this is a digital, not a physical product. If you have questions before making your purchase please contact us at [email protected]


Get Started Today!

Choose the Option that's Right for you...





The NPBO™ Practice Startup System 2.0 

Bonus Calls & Module 

Immediate, Unlimited, Eighteen Months of 24/7 Access 






I'm Ready Now!





The NPBO™ Practice Startup System 2.0

Bonus Calls & Module

Immediate, Unlimited, Eighteen Month of 24/7 Access

I Year Full Access To The NPBO™ Private Membership Community: a $444.00 Value.



I'm Ready Now!





The NPBO™ Practice Startup System 2.0

Bonus Calls & Module

Immediate, Unlimited, Eighteen Months of 24/7 Access

1 Year Full Access to the NPBO™ Private Membership Community: a $444.00 Value.

One 90 Minute Focused 1:1 Coaching Session with Barbara: a $595.50 Value.

I'm Ready Now!

But Don't Wait, Take Action Now!

Choose the option that's right for you. The NPBO™ Practice Startup System 2.0 is a proven and time-tested system that contains everything you need to know to start your practice.

 Join our elite group of Nurse Practitioner practice owners and start building your practice today!


To your success,

Barbara C. Phillips


P. S.  Be sure to check with your tax advisor, because your investment in the NPBO™ Practice Startup System 2.0 may be tax deductible.